Customers Reviews
Here's What BackSaver Customers Are Saying:
On September 18, 2016, the owner of BackSaver visited the Illinois Department of Transportation during construction. At the time, the construction workers were performing concrete work. He introduced the BackSaver, and the men actually tried it out. The response was: “THIS IS GENIUS!”
“We perform a large number of concrete jobs that require drilling into concrete. We bought several BackSavers and feel, not only does it save on back issues, but we get more production out of the guys because they aren’t bent over all day. We have been using the BackSaver hammer drill attachment for all our jobs regardless of the size. We keep BackSaver available for even the smallest jobs. BackSaver has definitely made production more efficient and has lessened the probability for back injury claims. We are sold on the BackSaver product.”
—Keller Construction
“We came across the BackSaver when the owner of the project stopped by our jobsite to see if we might be interested. Being from the same area and having worked with this man, we talked to him and let him demo the BackSaver to us. We ended up buying a second one. Our men really like the tool and we may end up with one or two more.”
—Berry Concrete